About this Blog

This is a blog filled with hypothetical encounters with the opposite sex. Some of the authors post these encounters because they don't know what to do in face of such hypothetical situations. Others post them because they want to brag about what happened to them - hypothetically. And the remaining simply have a wild imagination. Want to be an author? Just ask. Just don't be cryptic, like members of the opposite sex.

juicy tomatoes

hypothetically, the guys stocking produce at my local market (sprouts of Irvine) often smile at me and say hi to me as I shop, does he want my hairy heavy aging vagina extra cheez for their zucchini dreams?

1 comment:

  1. Just a smile - 40% they want to spread you on a cracker

    + a "hi" - 55% they want to take you in the frozen food aisle

    + a 'recommendation' or any other small talk - 99% they would quit their job on the spot if you asked them to go home with you and stack your fruit section
